Google July Core Update Released; June Update Insights; Build Site Credibility; SEO Time For New Pages; Internal Linking Mistakes; and Much More

Issue 2


No time for the weary as Google released their July Core Update on July 2nd. It's been a busy Summer 2021 for Google thus far with all these updates.

One thing that's given me some peace of mind with all the constant updates is not to focus on the update as it's happening and to take stock after the update has completely rolled out.

Site 1 of my case study was hit by the April 2021 Product Reviews Update and all I could do at the time was worry about the effect. I would continually reload Google Search Console to see how the pages and keywords were being affected.

I saw the downward effect on Day 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I stopped the constant refreshes after that and focused on my other sites with new content until the update was finished. I needed to remind myself that I'm not going to be able to change the site's rankings in the middle of an update, so there's no point in wasting 2 weeks clicking the refresh button.

I would need to wait until after the update finished, so I could see the final effects on the site. That's when I would be able to see what happened and make changes to hopefully get back into Google's good graces.

I haven't seen any major effects from the latest updates, but I also don't keep tabs on it every minute. That's given me the ability to focus on new content and sites.

I've been able to look at the bigger picture that I'm building a portfolio of sites and not just one site.



The July 2021 Core Update started to roll out July 2nd. It'll continue to be updated for the next 1-2 weeks.


The second part of Google's spam update started on June 28, 2021 and was completed on the same day.

The first part of the spam update occurred on June 23rd.


Glenn Gabe wirites about how rich snippets do during broad core updates, including review, how-to, and FAQ snippets

He covers why they can happen, overall site quality, and gives plenty of examples of rich snippet volatility across sites.



EWWW Image - If you missed out on the Shortpixel deal, this is another option. Besides image optimization, it also does JS/CSS optimization and has a Global CDN. Accelerate your site speed and boost SEO rankings by optimizing your images with a click of a button.

Lovo - Text to Speech that can turn your blog posts into audio. A nice option to create the voiceover audio if you also create videos for your sites.

Spayee - Create unlimited courses for your sites with a lifetime deal from Spayee. Digital products can be a great source of income.

AppSumo is also having a Sumo Day event for four days starting July 13th. They'll be doing giveaways that include winning swag and an iMac. Enter their Sumo Day giveaway.



These are some good insights by Brian Dean and his team at Backlinko on Evergreen Content. Here are some highlights from their findings:

  • List posts and how-to posts are teh two "most evergreen" content formats

  • Podcasts are 4.28x less likely to be evergreen compared to a list post

  • Content that's heavily shared on Reddit has a high likelihood of becoming evergreen

  • "Best of" lists, guides, data-driven research and industry reports are content types with the highest proportion of evergreen content

I've said before that Evergreen Content isn't really evergreen in that it's write once and that's it. They do need updating occasionally, so be sure to revisit them and see what how you can update them to keep them current.


John Mueller talks about indexing and how to speed things up. Several hours to several weeks is basically the answer of how long a new page can take. To speed things up, he gives these tips:

  • Prevent server overload

  • Make new internal links prominent

  • Avoid unnecessary URLs on your site

  • Take advantage of URL submission methods - Sitemaps, URL Inspection Tool

  • Keep your site's quality high



Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a great way to get backlinks from publications with high DR.

But not all publications are the same. Here's Link Sourcery's list of the Top 10 publications to pitch to for a backlink. They also give tips on how to approach each one.

  1. Business Insider

  2. Healthline

  3. HuffPost

  4. Realtor

  5. Buzzfeed

  6. Forbes

  7. Business News Daily

  8. Wall Street Journal

  9. Bustle

  10. New York Times


Here are 7 common internal linking mistakes so that you know what NOT to do!

  1. Add Way Too Many Internal Links

  2. Use the Exact Same Anchor Text Over and Over

  3. Letting an Automated Link Building Tool Do All the Work.

  4. Avoid Building Internal Links From a Page That Has No External Links

  5. Don’t test or track how many clicks your internal links are getting

  6. Don't use alt tags on image links

  7. Leaving Orphaned Pages


Lily Ray looks at the Visibility Index Scores of 1,900 domains in 31 categories to come up with lists of the top gainers and losers.

She shares domain and category lists, as well as keyword movement to come up with some insights.

Ezoic also shared what their findings from the June update.

issue 36

Olga Zarzeczna shows 10 simple and useful things that you can learn about your sites from Google Analytics 4.

I still haven't used GA4 much at all, because I'm still used to the older Universal Analytics, but this little guide helps break down some of the core insights from GA4.

issue 36

Julie Adams talks about gaining trust from your visitors by establishing credibility on your site. This isn't targeted towards E-A-T as it is about converting your visitors to buy.

A few of the key tips to build Credibility (Trust + Expertise)

  • Custom logo

  • Thoutful design

  • Clean headline and/or featured image

  • Custom discount codes

  • Jobs, "featured in"

  • "How we choose productes"

  • Cite sources


issue 36

In this June episode of Google Search News, John Mueller goes over recent developments in the Google Search world. Topics covered:

  • Core Web Vitals and Page Experience Ranking Change

  • Search Console Insights BETA

  • Negative Regex

  • RSS

  • June 2021 Core Update


  • and more


Let me know! Reply or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to know what you think and if you have any ideas.

I’d also appreciate it if you shared it with fellow niche surfers.

Have a great week with taking your niche sites to another level!


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