Increase Organic Traffic; SERP Titles; Linkable Assets; Optimize CTA; Scale Site With AI Content; Keyword Research; Setup GA4 Guide; and Much More!

Issue 2


Was busy this past week, but it felt good to get a lot of tasks done. I love that feeling of checking off boxes on the To-Do list - especially if I don't know what I did will necessarily pay off!

That's the world that we work in when we work on affiliate sites. We build sites. Publish articles. Then worry if it will be successful.

All that work we put in for Google to index the site - then we hope that Google will rank it on Page 1.

If it ranks well enough and people click through - we hope the content is good enough that people will read it, stay on the page for ad revenue, and maybe click-thru to buy an affiliate product.

So much time is spent waiting and waiting for better rankings, increased traffic, and increased revenues. Refreshing the dashboards of Google Analytics and Amazon Affiliates won't help with those.

I find that I like to keep myself busy when it comes to waiting. Work on a new article. Work on a new site. Or even do something that's non-niche site related.

Take breaks too or you'll get burnout. Find a hobby that gets you away from thinking about your site and content.

Go out for a run or walk around the block. Take in the sun. Or just stay in and watch a movie.

The point is to stop thinking about work and get refreshed before you get back into it.

Have a great weekend!


issue 47

Robbie Richards offers up 19 step-by-step "playbooks" to get more short and long term organic traffic wins. He shows working examples and templates. Great list that includes:

  1. Prevent (and remove) keyword cannibalization

  2. Eliminate "organic anchors" with a data-driven content audit

  3. Find quick-win keyword opportunities

  4. Perform subfolder keyword analysis

  5. Target the long tail for faster gains

  6. Use modifiers to find high-value keyword opportunities

  7. Piggyback on existing list posts

  8. Expand your organic footprint with secondary keywords

  9. Boost authority with internal linking

  10. Scale question-based keyword research


Google's John Mueller said in a video hangout that Google Search does not specifically differentiate and treat differently category pages or filter pages or search pages or tag pages from other pages.

What does this mean for us?

This is more targeted for ecommerce sites as they want to offer multiple ways for users to find products, but it's still relevant for content-based niche sites. It's especially true for those who like using categories and tags with posts.

To avoid duplicate content and cannibalization, I noindex any non-important page, so Google doesn't crawl them. That also focuses the crawl budget on the important pages. When it comes to tags and categories, I only use one general "blog" category to host all posts. Pages are in hard silos.


In today's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Moz SEO expert Tom Capper walks you through cannibalization: what it is, how to identify it, and how to fix it.

3 questions to ask yourself to see if there might be cannibalization going on:

  1. Do we think we're underperforming?

  2. Do competing pages both appear?

  3. Consolidate or differentiate?


Google shares a blog post that discusses more about how they generate titles for the SERPs. They say that they use the title tags first and then go beyond the title elements when it's helpful. They give some examples of where that occurs:

  • Half-empty titles

  • Obsolete titles

  • Inaccurate titles

  • Micro-boilerplate titles



WP Simple Author Box - Lets you create fully customizable responsive author boxes in WordPress. - Create your own online community platform to keep your users engaged. Has gamification features like ranks, quests, badges, profile upgrades, and more! Ends in 2 days.

Smart Quiz Builder - Build quiz funnels to generate leads, segment your audience, and recommend the right products and resources to prospects.

VBOUT - All-in-one marketing automation platform with email and SMS. Lots of features and marketing tools here. Ends in 3 days.

KonnectzIT - Zapier alternative. I like their drag-and-drop way to create automation workflows. Check the apps they integrate with and see if they do what you need.


Ezoic introduced Levels depending on how much traffic and money you earn monthly on Ezoic. There are a variety of added benefits depending on what level you're on, as well as grant money.

If you're not on Ezoic and you join Ezoic, they have a Revenue Guarantee where they'll pay you an additional 25% if their ad technology doesn't out-perform your previous revenues.



Thoughts on scaling SEO content with AI and real examples of websites generating millions of views.

He doesn't share the actual sites, but shares the Ahrefs stats of them. I wonder how many articles are actually on each of the sites to get the traffic that they have.


Matt Diggity shares how to create CTAs that will engage and convert your visitors. He covers:

  • Button colors

  • CTA copy

  • CTA examples

  • Split testing

  • CTA best practices



The UpperRanks goes through 4 examples of linkable assets for outreach campaigns. How many of these are you creating? Are you creating any?

  1. Infographic

  2. 101 Guide

  3. Ultimate Guide

  4. Resource Page



In this episode of AskGooglebot, John Mueller explains how a website’s theme can play a role in search engines understanding your site and content for rankings. The theme you use can affect:

  • Content display - text, images, videos, headings

  • Internal links

  • Page load time

  • Content options

  • Structured data use

I like to keep my website design relatively simple. I use GeneratePress across all my sites.


Good detailed guide on how to setup and use Google Analytics 4. Lots of nice step-by-step instructions.

Even if you don't want to use GA4 yet (I don't), at least set it up so the data is already being tracked. That way you'll have the history of the site available if and when Google decides to put GA3 (Universal Analytics) to bed.


Matt Diggity shares a big guide on keyword research. Lots of great information in there, including how to go through your current website's keyword visibility.

When looking for potential keywords to target, he shows how answers these questions:

  • How much traffic potential is there for this keyword? (Traffic Potential)

  • How tough will it be to rank against my competitors for this keyword? (Keyword Difficulty)

  • Are people interested in this keyword? (Clicks & Search Volume)

  • What is the search intent of this keyword? (Search Intent)

  • What stage of the user’s journey would this keyword fall under? (Search Journey)

  • What other search terms would relate to this keyword? (Keyword Grouping)


Want to know if your blog post from last week has been indexed by Google yet? What about your article from 2 months ago?

Ricky from Income School shows how you can know which content from your site is in Google's index, and which is not.

Ever since Jim Harmon left Income School, Ricky has been putting out lots of videos. If you're newer to building affiliate sites, it's worthwhile to check out their last several videos as they're good beginner videos.


Let me know! Reply or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to know what you think and if you have any ideas.

I’d also appreciate it if you shared it with fellow niche surfers.

Have a great week with taking your niche sites to another level!


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