Jan 2022 Income Reports; Google Search Console API Tools; Pogo-Sticking; Google Tests Buying Guides; Blogger vs Online Publisher; and Much More!

Issue 2


I'm excited to pre-announce a new section of the Niche Surfer newsletter - Niche Creators!

I don't want to get into the details yet, but it will be very useful for many of you - including me!

I wanted to get it up for this week, but I underestimated the work/reconfiguring that I need to do to get everything up on the domain, while also keeping the newsletter archives easily accessible. I hope to have it up by next week.

Until then, do check out some of the tools shared below this week. There are some great tools that take advantage of the Google Search Console URL Inspection API. They've already saved me a lot of time with the GSC tasks that I found myself doing more and more with indexing issues.

Don't forget to join the Niche Surfer Community with others riding the passive income wave!

Good discussions are already going on in the group, so be sure to stop by!



The January 2022 monthly income reports I've found:

For the ones I didn't give the numbers for, they didn't provide the Totals (or I missed it) and I didn't do the manual calculations.


Google is testing “Buying Guides,” a new mobile search results feature that presents users with various drop-down menu options to learn more about the product they’re searching for, the company has confirmed to Search Engine Land.

Looks like Google is trying even more to keep users on the SERPs and away from clicking through to sites. It's still in testing phases with some mixed results.


This is a summary of the most interesting questions and answers from the Google SEO Office Hours with John Mueller on February 4th, 2022.

  1. Changing the number values in titles on a daily basis

  2. Does having a comment section affect SEO?

  3. Adding dates to page titles

  4. Crawling and indexing issues

  5. Text vs. images in href tags

  6. Domain migration vs. page authority and ranking

  7. Indexed filters vs. robots.txt and canonical tags

For #4 and indexing issues that many people, including me, have been experiencing in the last couple months, John Mueller does mention this when asked about social media posts linking to non-indexed pages and if those help:

“If we find external links to those pages, then chances are we might crawl and index that page are a little bit higher. It depends a little bit on what external links there are. Links from social media directly usually have nofollow attached, so we don’t forward any signals there. And if […] we can recognize these are maybe problematic links or not that useful links, maybe we will ignore those too. But obviously, if we can tell that something is seen as being important, we’ll probably go off and crawl and index that page more likely."

SearchPilot tested out what would happen if a travel website moved a travel deals block above the informational content. Like they usually do, they go to Twitter with a poll and 57% of respondents said the organic traffic impact would be Positive.

Unfortunately, it was a negative impact, losing about -10% in organic traffic. Looks like moving the informational content further down the page wasn't good.

So make sure to consider your page layout when designing your webpages, because it does seem to have a big effect on organic traffic.


This is a good article covering pogo-sticking and how/if it affects rankings for sites.

Pogo-sticking is when a user enters a site from a SERP and quickly leaves it to go back to the SERP. It's different from the bounce rate. Bounce rate is when a user enters a site from any source and doesn’t perform any action on it (e.g., clicking a link, filling a form, or putting an item in a cart). So if someone opens an article, reads it entirely, and doesn’t do anything else before leaving—that counts as a bounce.

The conclusion is that pogo-sticking isn't a ranking factor, but it's still good to take a look at the tips in this article to make your content more engaging.



TrueRanker - Low-priced rank tracker with SEO keyword discovery features. SerpRobot is $5/month for 300 keywords, while this deal is $118/lifetime for 2,000 keywords. Last Chance - Deal ends in 2 days, but you need to be a Plus member that also gives you 10% Off.

Instantly - Automate and scale B2B cold email outreach with the power of AI. Also offers email warm-up functionality. Good option if you want to do your own link building outreach.

utobo - Create courses, teach live, and sell content online using just one simple tool. Easily create online courses and digital products to sell on an ecommerce site with Stripe integration.

Discover some free tools, SEO crawler integrations, and scripts to leverage with Google Search Console's URL Inspection API:

  • Crawlability and indexability status

  • Last crawling time

  • Sitemaps inclusion

  • Google selected canonical URL

  • Identified structured data for rich results eligibility

  • Mobile usability status

The first tool listed, Google Bulk Inspect URLs by Valentin Pletzer is a super easy way to check a list of URLs to see if they're indexed.


Carl Broadbent tried out Rank Math's Instant Indexing Plugin to index hundreds of pages that Google hasn't wanted to index for a year. This plugin helped many of those pages get ranked. There's a bit of a setup with the plugin though, because you also need to create a Project in Google Cloud Platform and set up an API key for the plugin.

Google recommends that you use the Indexing API ONLY for Job Posting and Live Streaming websites. Sites that provide up-to-date, real-time information. However, it works on any type of website and many of our users have seen great results already. Please proceed with caution.

I tested out the Free Instant Indexing Plugin on 2 sites with 39 articles that were 3-7 weeks old and weren't indexed. All 39 articles were indexed within 3 hours!

Even though it's a 100% success rate, I'm still going to keep my eye on the indexing and see if any de-index. I'm also not going to use the Instant Indexing tool on any new articles I write, only the old ones that Google stubbornly won't index. I don't want to get into Google's crosshairs for using the API on any non-Job Posting or Live Streaming sites.



Frase has a page of templates for different types of content pages. Pretty good roundup that you can use as a base to work off of as content briefs for writers and to produce SEO-optimized content faster.


Semrush discusses how to audit your content. Regular, well-conducted content audits can help you identify content that needs to be improved, or can be repurposed into other formats. They talk about analyzing your current content and drawing up an action plan that includes steps like:

  • Reuse your content

  • Rewrite your content

  • Expand your content

  • Refresh your content

  • Structure your content

  • Update your CTAs

  • Add videos and/or images

  • Optimize metadata

  • Optimize internal linking



This is a nice overview of Click-Through Rates for various scenarios:

  • SEO Campaigns

  • Google PPC Campaigns

  • Email

  • Social Media

  • Banner Ads

In the article, they said the Top 5 results in the SERPs gets 67.6% of all clicks, while spots 6-10 only get 3.73%. Shows why it's even more important to get to the Top 5 if you want the traffic to ride the passive income wave.

Mushfiq tweeted a SEO audit of that Charles Floate did. It's a good watch because I think you may have similar issues that you may not realize.

Mushfiq listed the main takeaways:

  • Over optimized internal linking

  • Too many question-related articles

  • Clean up homepage hero

  • Try to rank for "blog" related keywords

  • Add a business address

  • Get direct backlinks (not 301s) from brands in my niche

  • Disavow/remove link farm backlinks


Chris at Niche Safari put out a good video that takes a look at the comparison between being a Blogger vs. an Online Publisher with many writers. If you're thinking about scaling up your business, take a look at this video for the Pros and Cons of each.

I also have a nice surprise next week with Chris here at Niche Surfer!


Like Niche Surfer?

Let me know! Reply or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to know what you think and if you have any ideas.

Be sure to also join others riding the passive income wave:

I’d also appreciate it if you shared it with fellow niche surfers.

Don't forget to Whitelist [email protected] and/or drag the email to the Primary Inbox to make sure you don't miss the emails!

Have a great week with taking your niche sites to another level!


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