Bullet-Proof SEO; Infographic Types; Jacky's $60K Monthly Starter Sites; SEO Myths VS Reality; Free SEO Courses; and Much More!

Issue 2


This was a busy week for the SEO community and bloggers. Lots of great content out there, so no intro from me.

Now, now...wipe those tears. I'll be back next week!



This week's Niche Creator is Ian Nuttall! Ian is actively sharing on Twitter, especially great information on programmatic SEO.

Don't miss his interview!


Brian Harnish shares 14 SEO misconceptions. Many of these you may already know, but there are probably some you don't know because they're so widely shared.

Andrew Riker at BrightEdge shares 9 tips to solidify and “algorithm proof” your SEO strategy. Instead of asking, “What specific changes will help me rank better?” SEOs are instead posing the question, “What are the values and long-term goals of search engines and how can I incorporate these into my strategy?” 


  • DinoRANK - Manage your entire SEO strategy with keyword tracking, internal linking, competitor analysis, and more

  • RabbitLoader - WordPress plugin that reduces website load times using content minification, lazy loading, and CDN caching.

For all of you who want to learn more about SEO and like a structured course, check this list of free courses from Semrush. Most of the courses are for beginners, but a couple say they're also good for advanced skill levels.


Frase shares their view how this Google update is an opportunity for them to reinvent themselves and shift their roadmap in a direction that will help customers craft quality, original content that Google will love.

Christian Cappoli at The Hoth covers 8 different types of infographics to use in your content strategy, including:

  • Statistical infographics

  • Informational infographics

  • Timeline infographics

  • Flowchart infographics

Some good examples here to give you some ideas. With Canva and other platforms with templates, infographics have become really easy to create. Start making some to engage your readers more.


This is a good article by Gisele Navarro on hero content and how it's still a viable link building strategy. She offers up example of hero content and how to do it.

The term ‘hero content’ was coined by Google back in 2014 as part of the Hero-Hub-Hygiene content strategy framework they shared in their YouTube Creator Playbook for Brands.


Great post from this week's Niche Creator Iam Nuttall. Ian shares how to find data for your programmatic SEO sites. He discusses outsourcing the data scraping, how to think about the data, and 17 places to find data for your programmatic SEO sites.

Although Google documentation sheds light on how we should treat dynamic rendering now, the question that bothers many remains: why exactly is it a temporary solution?

This a great 101 article on dynamic rendering too if you don't know what it is.

Siege Media covers SEO for SaaS companies, why it’s important, and the steps to implement a solid strategy or optimize on an existing one that you may already have in place.

Even if you have a content site and no SaaS, this is still a good article to go through. All niche sites are also startups and finding different ways of getting traffic to your sites will help if you ever get hit by Google Updates.


A great interview with Jacky Chou from Indexsy on the Niche Pursuits podcast. He discusses getting started with dropshipping to private labeling, his SEO agency, portfolio of niche sites, and much more.

Be sure to check out Jacky's Niche Creator Q&A too!

For those in the barbecue grill space, Charlie Williams at Sistrix goes through his insights after looking at the most successful domains and the best-performing content.


This week's Niche Creator, Ian Nuttall, shares how he finds and reaches out to abandoned websites to continue building his portfolio of sites. If you're interested on how to find those needles in the haystack, this is one to check out.


Feedback forum thread started by John Mueller for feedback on the Helpful Content Update. Also links to a feedback form for the update where you can submit non-ideal search results to.

Google Sheets released 10 new functions on August 24, 2022 and Ben Collins covers what they do. Named Functions are very cool because you're able to create your own functions now. You'll be able to reuse these functions across other Google Sheet files.

If you use Sheets a lot like me, this is great news.

Brian Harnish collates what SEO professionals have been saying about Google's latest "helpful content" update. Google staff have been replying and saying that the update isn't done yet, so give it more time [to wreck your site]. Okay, I may have added that last part ;)



Be sure to also join others riding the passive income wave in the Niche Surfer Discord group.

Have questions? Reply or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to know what you think and if you have any ideas.

I’d also appreciate it if you shared it with fellow niche surfers.

Have a great week taking your niche sites to another level!


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